Wednesday, May 09, 2007

doctor's orders

another visit (weekly) to the ob-gyn. i'm at 36 weeks and a couple days. still 170 pounds, with a good blood pressure of 120/72. i'm tired and my feet hurt. the Peanut's head is not engaged, and my cervix is still "way back there". walk or have sex: doctor's orders.

i'm starting to wrap things up at work. i have two projects due at the end of the month that i have the feeling i'm not going to be able to sign. and it doesn't bother me. i've done more than my fair share, and it's time to move on.

el Jefe', Punkin, and i did the 5K walk for Race for the Cure on Saturday. this was Punkin's third year of participation. he got a giant popsicle, a very cool t-shirt that is finally a kid's size, and we all had a good lunch (brunch) afterwards. i'm glad we didn't miss it.

on Sunday, i bowled three games for Corporate Challenge. our team of five varies from year to year, but three of us have bowled together consistently for the past five years (or something like that). our Captain (a former professional bowler) and i carried the team even though we are both women. i bowled well for me: 152, 182, and 136. several people, both men and women, wished they were pregnant so they could bowl better. every pin was work, but again, i'm glad i didn't miss it this year.

tonight is Corporate Challenge Bocce. again, i've been the Captain for a number of years. this one is particularly special and near and dear to my heart, not because i've got a silver medal from years and years ago. it's special because it marks the fourth anniversary of Punkin's conception. we weren't trying, and we just never thought it would happen. i came home tipsy (i did not have a 12-pack of Foster's as el Jefe' tells the story, but i did have plenty) and el Jefe' and i made passionate love, and we didn't take any precautions. now we have one terrific little boy who is 28-months old today.

maybe el Jefe' and i will try to get labor started tonight. for old times' sake.

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