Monday, May 07, 2007

are you feelin' lucky?

so much to tell, yet my latest challenge takes the cake.

i'm 42. i'm in my ninth month of pregnancy, feasibly overcoming my age and cevical incompetancy risk factors. we don't have a name for the baby (other than Peanut). i work full-time outside the home in a career that i find unrewarding. my husband got a promotion nearly four months ago, and has been spending quite a bit of time over 400 miles away in a one-bedroom apartment. our home has been on the market, for sale, nearly three months without an offer. after the baby is born, we will relocate North, over 400 miles away. our two-year-old Punkin has been on a waiting list at day care in the North for over four months, with two more months to go. it will be two adults, two kids, and two dogs in a two-bedroom apartment (we have yet to sign a lease). one of the dogs is incontinent and 105 years old. i will transfer to an office with no physical space for me, so the two-bedroom apartment will serve yet another function ... my place of employment. i have no definitive job description or duties when i transfer North. i will be leaving behind my parents, aged 71 and 82, probably at a time when they need assistance most. we are looking at a potential IRS audit for the tax year 2005.

i got a jury summons in the mail for the end of May. four days shy of my due date.

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