Thursday, June 21, 2007

three new nursing bras

i'm a little frustrated with the two-hour window of opportunity. you'd think it was an hour to feed, a half-hour of play, and an hour and a half nap, eight times a day. well, the two-hour window of opportunity also applies to how much "work" i can get done in a day. yes, consider the ramifications to a control freak who only has two productive hours in a single day. two productive hours to do actual work, write thank-you notes, send out announcements, work on her memory book, and obviously occasionally post to this blog. i continuously have to remind myself to keep my expectations low (very low).

yesterday's window consisted of an outing with Peanut to run errands. we went to Target because Peanut was running out of diapers. i brought along a gift card with intentions of getting her something special of her very own (probably clothing), but then i choked because we are attending a party in her honor on Sunday. i went through the store twice looking for Mylicon. and i got some diapers. and for myself, i bought three new nursing bras.

nursing bras suck. i have to wear them 24-7 for the next 11 months. i avoid the underwire ones because i read something negative about them, so that reduces my choices to less than half of the styles available. i purchased a Medela nursing bra from JC Penney before Peanut was born. it is easily the world's ugliest bra and not very comfortable. i am extremely disappointed because i have been impressed by nearly everything in the Medela line, and i paid twice what i would normally pay for the butt-ugly bra. at Target, i found three different bras in my size and purchased them on the spot.

the three new bras are ok. just ok. am i going to be like one of my co-workers, who ended up with something like 15 different nursing bras, in her quest for one comfortable bra, when she only nursed her child for a couple months? i don't want fifteen bras. i don't want fifteen styles. i just want a couple that are comfortable; that don't itch, that don't bind on the sides, that will hold up through the laundry. breastfeeding supposedly saves you money, so these dream nursing bras should be affordable, too.

silly me. i've got to remember to keep my expectations low.

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