Thursday, June 28, 2007

speed post

ha! i was obviously exaggerating about that two-hour window of opportunity. i might have 10 minutes to write this post. and it has taken me a week to find those 10 minutes.

but i am Wonder Woman! el Jefe' made a day trip up North this morning. he got up at the 3 am feeding, took a shower and made his way to the airport for a 6 am flight. Although Peanut was due to eat around 6 am, she very consistently wakes up around 5:30 am (we think it's the early sunrise).

i got a couple winks between 4 am and 5:30. once we got up, i fed her (mommy meal, over a half hour). i also fed the dogs, including the 105-year-old anorexic who stopped eating wet and dry mixed, ate dry only half her meal times or less, and is now eating wet at every meal but has to be supervised because young dog will devour any leftover food which she clearly doesn't need because she is shaped like a cube. i packed Punkin's diaper bag with organic milk, lunch, Pull-ups and wipes, and took it out to the car knowing i wouldn't have a free hand, plus it was an excuse to get the paper. Peanut and i got Punkin up, and i made him an egg for breakfast (unexplainable, other than he asked for it ... raw, i might add, but that is unacceptable). i changed Peanut during breakfast, and brushed Punkin's teeth, and changed Punkin and got him out of his jammies and into his school clothes. Peanut in the car seat, Punkin's shoes on, loaded into the car and we all made it to school by 8 am. only a few tears from both kids, and none from mommy.

i even stopped at the store on the way home for more canned dog food (she can live for three more days) and a D battery for the bouncy chair.

i may have exceeded my 10 minutes, but Peanut is not screaming. i am Wonder Woman.

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