Thursday, May 03, 2007

long and winding road

after a one week hiatus, i went to the gyn-ob on Tuesday. a whopping 170 lbs, with a decent blood pressure of 125/70. my weight gain is still ok ... i'm just a bit disgusted that i started out so heavy. the Peanut is not in position. my cervix is "way back there". i am small (or the Peanut is small). ya know, these are not very comforting statements.

when i was pregnant with the Punkin, i heard how large his head was at nearly every ultrasound (which is a lot when you are old and have the risk of an incompetant cervix). this time i've heard how large the Peanut's feet are, and how long and crooked the birth canal is. is it better not to know these things?

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