Tuesday, March 13, 2007

10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag

maybe this should be my motto? or my tag line? or the analogy of my life?

i make lists. i check things off. but i'm perpetually a step or two behind, maybe because i seem to take that "one step forward, two steps back" approach. the lists grow instead of shrink. if i'm accomplishing tasks at home, i'm a day or two behind at work.

and i'm never caught up at work. there are always multiple projects, regular weekly responsibilities as the Quality Control Coordinator, and between November and March (the end of March), there is my company's awards program. i've got 41 certificates to frame, and at least 25 of those haven't been printed. i've enlisted in some help, but i've got to find the time, and it's tough when i'm busy from the time i walk through the front door to the time i leave at the end of the day. brace yourself; here comes a positive statement: at least i have learned to leave it at the office. not all the time, but i have on occasion just let go and left it until morning or monday or another day.

emotionally, it's like a big grease stain (or shit stain, which i am oh-so familiar with) on the paper bag holding together my psyche. the unfinished honey-do's and chores and assignments and responsibilities are weakening the bag. it's going to tear and i'm going to end up in a puddle of liquified doggie diarrhea on the carpet. and i'll just have to scrub and clean it some more.

but, i am very experienced in these matters.

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