Thursday, February 01, 2007

Abby's post

did i happen to mention we have a dog in diapers? actually, we have two dogs; only one is in diapers. and a toddler in diapers. what fun!

doggie diapers are kind of cute. cute, in the same way i saved one of Punkin's unused newborn diapers. cute, because they are a lot like human baby diapers with velcro-like tabs, except there's a hole for the dog's tail. cute, in that the novelty wears off very quickly. and they are much more expensive than human baby diapers (i think more than a buck a pop). i need to search on-line or get a catalogue to save some money. yet Punkin loves going to Petsmart to see the kitty cats and the birdies and to get Abby's diapers.

Abby's fifteen, which if you do the math is 105 in people years. she's a doberman mix; she kind of looks like an uncropped doberman, and she has the doberman bark, but she's really just old and sweet and deaf (and afraid of ballons). in her first or second year of life she was treated for mange (not the contagious kind) but still it was one of those treatments that has the potential to kill before it cures. (wouldn't you like to hear that disclaimer in a pharmaceutical add on tv?) anyway, she survived that, and then got sick from eating wild mushrooms in the backyard. she survived that, too. she got farmed out (literally, they had six acres) to some of my good friends when i was going through my divorce and only had an apartment for a couple months. she's lived with me in three states, and traveled with me across the US. about eight years ago she was involved in a "grooming incident" at a kennel (she's a short hair so what the hell kind of grooming does that require?) and somehow they spiral-sliced her tail on two sides. fortunately the kennel sent her to the vet we use now, who is the best, and they tried to stitch, wrap, and save her tail. she wore a cone for weeks and weeks, and eventually her tail was amputated, but she still has a couple inches. it works perfectly with the preformed hole in the doggie diaper.
she's camera shy, so the photo pretty much sucks. she looks like Santa's Little Helper on the Simpson's. she's a great old girl, and i'm not complaining about cleaning her kennel this morning or the cost of diapers. you can wear diapers when you're 105, and i'll write a post about you, too.

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