Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Punkin turns two!

Happy Birthday, Punkin! you’ve changed my life. even though el Jefe’ reminds me quite often you’ve reached the terrible twos, i enjoy you so much more every day. it’s not that i loved you less back then; it’s just that i love you more (mower) now. i have to admit it’s a little easier; you don’t depend on me for a “mommy meal” (sorry, those first eleven months were tough making sure you had breast milk past your first birthday), you can express what you want, and you can play by yourself (sometimes, and usually i would rather just watch you than take care of some household chore).

i used to sing you my own little “Super Baby” song nearly every day on the way to day care; each verse represents a milestone such as crawling or walking or talking. probably belatedly, i changed the song to “Super Boy” sometime this summer. and occasionally, recently, you have requested it.

the year has sped past quickly. you continue to grow (almost 30 lbs, and now you’re three feet tall!) and learn new things, and melt my heart nearly every day.

thank you for the best two years of my life.

1 comment:

Mom2Amara said...

Happy birthday to your Punkin! Your post is beautifully written.

PS We did the Elmo thing for Amara's 2nd birthday too!