Monday, January 29, 2007

my wish list for Punkin

considering that i am a pessimist, and suffer from depression (and degenerative disc disease), and generally have low self esteem, there is very little of me that i hope the Punkin inherits from me. he has my brown eyes, much to the dismay of many individuals who hoped he would get el Jefe’s stunning blue eyes. he has my nose.

he scares me with his organizational skills during play; it borders on anal. it started with balls. one morning, he brought all of his balls (and a balloon) into the kitchen and lined them up on the floor. and then he tried to line them up on the countertop. when he plays with Legos, he likes to build towers out of the blocks of the same shape and the same color (i.e. a tower of square yellow blocks, a tower of green rectangular blocks, etc.). i’m pretty sure he gets that from me and my OCD tendencies.

Punkin sucks his thumb to the point it has a callous. i sucked my thumb well into kindergarten. when the orthodontist installed prongs, i learned to suck my thumb on the side of my mouth. i finally stopped when the same orthodontist put me in a headgear with a plate at the roof of my mouth; basically, my choices were suffocate and suck my thumb or breathe. i chose breathing. and then i chewed my fingernails. and i eventually i became a smoker, which in some way relates to this oral fixation. not the legacy i’d like to leave my child.

the genetic damage has been done. what i’d like to give my son is the ability to:

maintain an open mind
be creative
enjoy every day on this earth even in just a small percentage of the way he touches me everyday
know in his heart he is loved unconditionally
be confident with who he is and what he does
be genuinely happy.

those certainly aren’t “parts” of me, but he certainly deserves them.

5 comments: said...

OCD can be a very good thing, too, IMO....but what do I know? I don't suffer from it, so obviously I don't get the full scope of it.

I think self-confidence is very important, too, and you sound like the kind of parents who will always let him know how important he is.

Just here via the carnival.

Jenn said...

a confident, creative and open mind (with a little organizational skills thrown in!) is an excellent combination - and, from your blog, it sounds like he'll get there for sure!

(JennQR via CHBM)

Mom2Amara said...

Enjoying each day...even in the smallest of ways. What a great thought! Something we should all hope for! Great list! And give yourself some credit -- you're the one raising that wonderful little Punkin!

Janean said...

Dreams you have for your son are just as important. You know what you're working toward and that's good.
He is a doll, by the way! Very sweet picture.
Have a great week from a fellow Crazy Hip Blog Mama!

Alex Elliot said...

Those are great things. I sucked my thumb until I was 10!