Sunday, January 14, 2007

i'll need to remember this after a tantrum

this is my amazing Punkin.

saturday we went for portraits to commemorate his second birthday. eventually i'm sure we won't go to this expense year after year. it's funny because he gets school pictures taken twice a year, yet i feel this desperate need to document him (professionally) close to his birthday. (yes, this photo was illegally scanned, but i did pay for it).

i thought for sure his eyes would be all red and puffy as he had a near melt-down before we left for the mall. Punkin got some overalls from his godfather for his birthday (a machine gun would not be age-appropriate ha ha ha) and he has yet to wear them. i've tried to put them on him three times, yet he is very insistent that he wants to wear "pants". Punkin got up from his nap Saturday wearing a t-shirt, sweatshirt, and green sweatpants, and it took nothing short of a miracle that he is not wearing that very outfit in this photo. fortunately el Jefe' heard my cries for help and came to the rescue. Punkin actually made it through three clothing changes during his photo shoot! (at one point, el Jefe' was encouraging him to "work it" like a supermodel ... you'd have to be there.)

Punkin is doing a lot of new things as a two-year-old, and these are the times i want to remember. even if he's very upset and his timing isn't the best, he is starting to show preference in terms of clothing. he asks for my help when playing or opening a container. he won't sit in his high chair or a booster, or wear a bib anymore. he makes big towers out of blocks, and with Lego's he prefers that the blocks are color-coordinated. today he announced that his tower was "beautiful". he loves to make tunnels out of blocks. he is constantly taking out the tupperware-like cake container lid and using it as a step stool (and he exclaims that he is tall). he sings songs independently (sometimes twinkle twinkle, sometimes happy birthday, and lately the little pufferbellies song). he wants to help, whether it is putting laundry in the backet, or taking something out to the recycle bin, or carrying something (anything but eggs) in from the grocery store. he knows his last name.

i could go on, but suffice to say there are many special moments. i so appreciate them.

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