Thursday, November 02, 2006

found a Peanut

i met my new ob-gyn today. (and saw the Peanut via transvaginal ultrasound!) i totally did not expect the ultrasound … my previous doctor farmed that out. i told el Jefe’ not to bother accompanying me to the appointment; all i was expecting was a lot of paperwork and an exam. i filled out releases and medical histories for 35 minutes, and waited another 20. stepped on the scale (ugh! 147!), stuck out my arm for the blood pressure cuff (100/70), and peed in a cup. and then i met my new doctor, in his office, with my clothes on.

granted, i haven’t had a new ob-gyn in several years, but this surprised me. it was kind of nice to be treated professionally, without my big(ger) ass hanging out in the cold from the confines of a paper gown. at the end of the consultation, he asked if i came to the appointment alone … prelude to the first photo opportunity.

i’ve got so many risks it’s mind boggling. but i’ve got a Peanut, and only one Peanut, and it has a heart beat.

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