Wednesday, October 04, 2006

the downside of access

i felt relieved at the end of today's 11-hour work day. turns out we are meeting at 6:00 am tomorrow to get ready for the day's festivities, concluding with a lunchtime presentation. then it's to the airport for my two-legged flight to the Midwest. approximate ETA midnight. at least i'm supposed to have free high-speed internet at the next hotel on my tour. yippee skippy.

i handled some home office project work this morning, the unrewarding roadway project that never ends. my own little purgatory. final plans over and over and over. stupid questions; stupid requests. my favorite was from my boss, copied on the e-mail chain: can you (me) schedule a meeting about this next week? i'm the one that's out of town, clocking long days, with no access to files, and limited access to telephone and e-mail during normal business hours. sure, you bet, i'll schedule a meeting. it took the client project manager, Doofus, FOUR tries to send out the correct Outlook calendar appointment. is it any wonder why this project cannot go to construction? and Doofus's boss, Kenny Loggins, is asking me to evaluate something as complicated as parting the Red Sea. 1) i have no idea how it is done. 2) i have no idea why you would want to do it. and you want to know how much it will cost to part the Sea, and when the Sea can by parted by next week. jesus. maybe he can help.

i think the highlight of my day was the cookies. yes, multiple cookies. a chocolate chip, an oatmeal raisin, and two snickerdoodles with sprinkles. i'm not drinkin', and the folks i'm with don't order dessert, and i haven't found a vending machine, so i have resorted to this.

four cookies and still no miracle.

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