Tuesday, August 14, 2007

back to school

Peanut started in day care yesterday. we call it school, mainly because of the times when el Jefe's daughter spent a month of the summer with us. it sounds weird saying you're late for "day care" when you're dealing with a 'tween.

i nearly forgot her eye drops. i brought a Boppy, just to discover they provide them, so i ended up taking it home. (i bought a new one just to be able to breastfeed her comfortably at school. now i'm kicking myself because i didn't need to spend the extra $35.) i brought her mobile at lunch time, when i went to feed her and found she had pooped through her clothes. and when i picked her up, i was nearly home before i realized i had forgotten her bottles. the women are nice. one of her teachers is very quiet. i believe English is her second language. the college kids who help out are getting ready to go back to school. the other mothers are pretty friendly as well. it's ok. actually better than ok.
a week of infant care for Peanut costs $199. a week of care for Punkin, at age 2 1/2, costs $193. they are at different schools because Punkin is still on a waiting list, and has been since February, at the school that Peanut goes to.
we're getting ripped off for Punkin's care. and we don't feel good about it. and Punkin doesn't like his new school.
the director just quit.
enrollment is way down. it's eerie dropping off Punkin in the morning.
the highest turn-over rooms are infants and 2's. Punkin is in the 2's.
Punkin's teacher doesn't know where they keep the art supplies.
it seems like there is no structure, no curriculum. the kids pretty much just stand around and play by themselves whenever we drop off or pick up Punkin.
the only thing he looks forward to is Splash Day on Tuesdays.
he cries when i drop him off. it breaks my heart.
i guess it made Peanut's first day seem easier.
and her care seems like a bargain.

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