Thursday, June 14, 2007

3-hour increments

el Jefe' would say, and i would agree, that i'm getting bitchy. part of it is rarely leaving the house. part of it is rarely bathing (i think my last shower was Monday?). part of it is this expensive, butt-ugly, uncomfortable nursing bra that i'm forcing myself to wear 24-7 because i spent the money and it wasn't cheap. and part of it is living life in 3-hour increments.

i try to make sure Peanut has 8 meals a day. do the math, and that is every 3 hours. my family (except for my antiquated parents) are firm believers in "Baby Wise" which offers the wake, eat, play, sleep routine. Peanut is doing well, Punkin did fabulously, so we're trying to maintain the tradition in concept. breastfeeding kids can take up to an hour to feed. 20 minutes is just plain bullshit. so, that leaves roughly 2 hours every feeding. two or three of those, i try to sleep. at least two more of those, el Jefe' and i are trying to balance having Punkin and Peanut around and keeping everyone fed and entertained. what it boils down to is that i feel as though i have no more than 2 hours to accomplish anything in any one day. that could be a shower. that could be thank you notes. that could be a trip to the grocery store.

i'm frustrated that i can't accomplish much in two hours a day.
and i've got nearly 11 months and 2 weeks more of this.

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