Tuesday, May 22, 2007

we have a plan

i'm still at 171 or 172 lbs. my blood pressure is good at 121 over 75. and we have a plan.

my gyn ob is recommending "cervical ripening" (el Jefe' made comments about a mango ... rather appropriate). i asked if it was like an enema. he described it as medication on gauze that is applied topically, although internally. i'll be at the hospital, but i can eat and walk around. after about 12 hours, they'll induce me with pitocin. hooray. and if my cervix doesn't cooperate, in the immortal words of my Mormon coworker, "they have drugs for that." my ob gyn describes them as good pain relief for when he cuts my cervix. isn't that a pleasant thought? makes you look forward to the episiotomy, too.

he suggested we do it in the next five days, but i negotiated for the Holiday weekend.

so Tuesday, May 29th, i check in to the hospital at 8:00 pm.

unless Peanut decides to show up sooner, that's the plan.

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