Monday, March 05, 2007

we're getting there

Punkin's Paw Paw (my dad) called last night to let me know they were home from a second trip to California in something like 3 weeks. he offered to come by and "help". appreciate the thought, but yet another empty promise (or empty offer). you see, we've made so much progress (without assistance) that i'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel. (in my case, yes, it probably is a train).

el Jefe' caught an earlier flight on Friday. it was wonderful to have him home, even if just for a couple days, and even if we worked on the house most of the time. i finished the lower half of the master potty room (separate room for the toilet, with freaking 10 foot ceilings ...) which has been unfinished for something like 7 years. i also painted a wall in the hallway. and tried to lighten the same giant dog shit stain (actually a pee stain) in the carpet twice. (it's like an hour-long process). oh, and i gave Punkin a haircut courtesy of the Klampett Family Salon. el Jefe' finished the upper half of the master potty room, painted the exterior raw stucco at the french doors, cleaned the pool, and cleaned the deck.

our house has been on the market a week and a half, and we've had three "lookers". i've been told this is great for a soft market. the last was a frustrating and disappointing experience. we got the call that someone would be by "within the hour". Punkin was just getting up from his nap, and i was in the beginning stages of stain patrol. the doorbell rang within 3 minutes of the phone call. we tried to get out of the house. we promised Punkin we'd got to the park. i stashed gloves, and chemicals, and bucket, and paper towels, and took one last pee before we tried to leave. i scared the couple previewing the house as i left the bathroom. great impression, huh. no matter; we think they spent a grand total of 3 minutes in the house anyway. we don't think they even made it into the kitchen, or family room, or saw the pool. their loss, right?

el Jefe' also took Abby to the vet for $150 worth of blood work. i'm sure the results are "she's old", or maybe she has some life-threatening disease, but then she's toward the tail end of her life anyway. as long as she's not in pain.

so basically, Paw Paw wouldn't have helped anyway. we're knocking things off the list with elbow grease, and determination, and some insomnia. i wonder what we'll do when we're done?

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