Friday, January 26, 2007

friday rant

i’m having these periods of extreme bitchiness which lead to minor melt-down. of course, i only have them in the evening and i end up taking it out on el Jefe’. i’m relatively ok at work, whether it be distraction or denial, or the fact that i have nothing to tell. Ok, maybe a little. El Jefe’ got a promotion and we’re moving North.

who? well obviously all of us, but due to the when, it’s not at the same time.
what? our stuff, our stuff that fills over 2,100 square feet and a three car garage quite nicely (fortunately, we don’t have a basement; unfortunately, we can’t park in the garage). but do we need it all? do we go on a donation binge? what do we need now? what do we need later? what? what? what?
where? what city? i don’t know. North.
another where? house, apartment , condo, cardboard box? i don’t know.
when? el Jefe’ is supposed to move sometime in February. i don’t know about me and the Punkin and the two dogs and all our stuff. my due date of June 2 plays a factor in all of this.
how? well, the fact is we have the option of using movers TWICE, yet el Jefe’ is still talking about renting a U-Haul. i informed him Tuesday that my doctor said an eight-hour drive through the middle of nowhere is infinitely more risky than a one-hour plane ride. my “condition” is obvious. yet he assumes we can’t get a mover in time (because he has made a mere four calls regarding this move, to apartments, and we don’t have much more info than i found on the internet). can’t you just hear the sarcasm and bitchiness in my tone? i’m sure you can just imagine what a joy i am to be around.
how much? whatever it takes to run two households for an unspecified amount of time. can you say money pit?
why? because el Jefe’ got a promotion, and the infamous “they” out there say change is good.

we have plane, hotel, and car reservations to go up SuperBowl weekend to look for stage 1 housing. i did most of that myself. i’ve downloaded info on stage 1 housing over probably a three sessions. his four calls were made on Tuesday, and he has forgotten, or hasn’t had time, or hasn’t gotten around to it since. he’s working tonight and tomorrow, and the great sink project is supposed to continue on Sunday. we don’t have a back yard; we can’t get the dog stains out of the carpet; we need an electrician; oh yeah, and we need an agent and a buyer to sell this house. yadda yadda yadda.

alls i know is El Jefe' got a promotion and we're moving North.

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