Monday, December 04, 2006

welcome back

i haven’t posted in eleven days, yet i feel as though i have so little to say. our vacation was very good, and worthy of several posts, but i just don’t have it in me right now, or can’t get it out of me right now. we returned early Friday morning and were shocked by a 40 degree dip in temperatures. we spent the weekend doing laundry, running errands, commencing the Holiday Shopping Hell, and preparing and sharing a belated Thanksgiving dinner with my parents.

really, all is well, yet the enthusiasm just isn’t there. historically, i always have trouble with the Holidays in the emotional department. i used to attribute it to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) until i moved to an area that experiences something like 360 days of sunshine and i still fall into a funk. i’m losing sleep over the second annual Holiday letter. Punkin fell in love with Christmas lights on vacation (“coo-coo-lights”!) yet it looks like it’ll be another week or two before we get ours put up due to family commitments. Punkin turns two in January, and el Jefe’ constantly attributes his minor tantrums and tears to his age. Punkin lost it after an hour and a half in Target (who wouldn’t?!?) and after an inordinate amount of time in front of non-entertaining bookshelves at Borders. i agree that one can always find a meaningful gift at either establishment IF one has a remote clue as to what category the gift falls into. something just a bit more specific than “something from Target” or “a book” … animal, vegetable, or mineral? housewares? educational toy?

so am i complaining about el Jefe’? or family obligations? or is it just that time of year?

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