Friday, November 17, 2006

have you a Zans for cans?

“at our house we open cans. we have to open many cans. and that is why we have a Zans.”

my office held a non-perishable food drive as our traditional Thanksgiving charitable event. i often remind folks to go beyond cans. they weigh so much, and i wonder how folks at the food bank deal with a lack of can openers. sure, now several manufacturers have gone to the pull-tab style, but that is mainly for name brands that can be over-priced. i always donate canned fruits and vegetables, but i augment the selection with crackers, pasta, rice, and powdered milk. this year i included several jars of baby food. although i made Punkin’s baby food, we always had a couple jars on hand for traveling.

we’re getting ready to travel next week, i’m wondering what to bring on the plane. Punkin is way beyond baby food, but he still eats primarily unprocessed food at home. he eats what we eat at dinnertime, but i’m still stuck in the rut of a fruit and vegetable from the frozen stash or freshly prepared. i know Gerber makes jarred finger foods (like green beans), and i know we can probably throw a few of our Gladware containers in the diaper bag. i know it’s an overnight flight and he’ll most likely be sleeping, but we’re going to Hawaii. i have this fear that when we get there everything will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday. maybe i should pack a can opener in the diaper bag, too.

i’m sure this is my OCD kicking in. i’m sure el Jefe’ has not given this a thought, or more importantly, a worry. but these are the things that rattle around in my head. my mom had surgery, and she’s doing okay, so i obviously have to find something else to worry about.

thanks, Dr. Seuss.

“have you a Zans for cans? you should.”

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