Wednesday, September 13, 2006

this, too, shall come to pass (please!)

i almost cried at my paying job today, while my boss sat across my desk (not accounting the piles, the distance was about four feet as the crow flies). the tears that welled up (in both eyes!) were instigated by yet another unrewarding project (this one is a road) with a client who just doesn't care 95% of the time. this happened to be the 5% of the time this client cares, and he asked me for an estimate to downsize the unrewarding road project to one-third. i submitted the final documents for the unrewarding road project over two months ago (and we have been out of budget since April). make it stop!

maybe i was so quick to tear up because punkin just hasn't been his normal self the past couple days. on monday, el Jefe' fell down a couple stairs while he was carrying the punkin. they bonked heads during the tumble, and punkin cried. several minutes later, when i was putting on punkin's sandals before our nightly stroll to the mailbox, he complained about his knee. ("Knee!") i gave his knee a little kiss, and we went for our stroll. he stumbled twice, and maybe he was limping, but it seemed as though he was favoring the other leg (not the one i kissed). there was no obvious swelling or discoloration, and although he wouldn't run more than a couple steps, he would sit with both legs extending perpendicularly outward from his knees. (oh, the flexibility of toddlers!) he didn't complain again about his knee, although he seemed to favor crawling up the stairs instead of walking, and his teacher, Jo Jo, thought he was limping tuesday morning.

tuesday evening he was off, but it didn't seem to be attributed to his knee. we had "Parent n' me" swimming lessons (i was the parent, while el Jefe' sat on the sidelines). when it came time for "Humpty Dumpty" (which we practice at home: "Hutty Dutty!"), punkin did not want to jump into my arms, and kept turning around, perhaps hoping he would be rescued by Daddy (or Danny, dating back to a time of sleep deprivation when he was signing a valentine for the 6-week-old punkin). after swimming and a late dinner, punkin was obviously tired, and approaching meltdown, so we decided to forego tooth brushing. el Jefe' mentioned the new upper and lower canine teeth that have been coming in for the past two weeks, that i noticed two weeks ago and mentioned to el Jefe' two weeks ago. (yes, duh, i know they're coming in, and they take forever, and each one looks like two teeth because it is so huge!)

punkin was tucked in and snuggly in his crib by 8:30 pm. he was quiet for about two hours, and then proceeded to wake up crying every fifteen minutes for the next three hours. the first couple times he was sitting up, so a laid him down, recovered whatever sleep crutch he seemed to need (woobie, wa wa, turtle, Pooh of the Winnie variety), and tucked him in. that worked a time or two. the next time i tried singing the old favorite "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". the next time i changed his diaper, whether it needed it or not. the next time i gave him the teething tablet dregs (one tablet plus dust) i could find in the medicine cabinet. the next time i checked four different locations for the missing teething tablets, finding success in the kitchen (i'm thinking they've been there for over a year?), so i gave him two teething tablets. the next time (by now, he wasn't sitting up anymore), i asked el Jefe' to go get the Tylenol while i stroked the punkin's cheek. el Jefe' went to the bathroom twice, each in a different location in the house, and by the time he produced the Tylenol punkin was quiet and presumably asleep. the last time, i dosed the punkin with Tylenol and el Jefe' rocked him in the rocking chair.

punkin didn't eat a good breakfast this morning, just some grapes and a couple cheerios.

so yeah, we're all tired at casa de psoup, but i know eventually we all will get some sleep. the real questions remains: will the unrewarding road project ever be complete and constructed?

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