el Jefe's mom arrived Wednesday afternoon. she'll be with us for three weeks, helping us pack, move, and unpack. she's staying at my parents' house at night while we're still down South because we don't have a bed for her, and my parents conveniently planned a 3-week trip to Hawaii, knowing full well they were having a grandchild and we were moving up North. maybe it was part of their denial and there was less guilt knowing they wouldn't lift a finger to assist in our move.
she gave Peanut her first bottle of pumped breastmilk on Thursday. i stuck around and pumped. it went well. she is very good with infants, assuming the experience with our kids is universal. the extra set of hands gave me the opportunity on Friday to do some "honey-do's" like fixing a window screen and sorting through nearly $500 in change. i left her in charge Friday with a bottle, hoping i could pack up my office at work. i had nearly five hours to sort an pack 9 years with my employer, and 20 years of my career. i ended up bring home a box of three plants, and spending the remainder of time on billable projects. i was all ready overwhelmed by all the aspects of the move. i was all ready frustrated by work interfering with this stage in my life. i realized i didn't get to say good-bye to anyone at the office. i was depressed by my lack of progress in the office, and the fact i would have to return this weekend when no one was around.
i said good-bye to my best friend Lola, Punkin's godmother, last night. we had a full day of packing (toys!), two trips to the GoodWill, and i finally got to swim with Punkin for about a half-hour. she came over for pizza and beer, a little tradition with us. she talked about making new friends but i just can't even hope for that right now.
it will happen. it will be over soon. but i am down. and this is hard.
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