Thursday, September 21, 2006

flyin' solo tonight

el Jefe’ has to work tonight, probably all night. he worked all day today. nights are infrequent in his job, and while some of his crew are dedicated to the night shift, he works days and then doubles back. normally he goes in for a couple hours to check on the night shift. and on occasion, he’ll stay all night.

we try to plan around these events. we schedule vacations around these events. my travel as an auditor is scheduled about two months in advance, so we have plenty of warning, unlike my project-related travel, when usually i get less than a week’s notice. i found out yesterday i’m going to Portland next week. the week after, i’m in Phoenix for an audit, and Omaha for a meeting. miraculously, the stars have been aligned thusfar so that one of us can be home with the Punkin.

my parents live 10 miles away. they’ve offered to help out, but their offers are rather like an empty threat. over twenty months, and they have yet to change a diaper. i am not exaggerating in that my father has never ever changed a diaper. i hear the voice from nearly seven years ago when my three nephews were born: “I can’t help it they waited so long to have children. Now I’m too old to help.” (that’s my mother’s voice). and now she's a whole seven years older.

i’m lucky to have them as parents, and Punkin is lucky to have them as grandparents. we do just fine without their assistance. but i wish it was more, and i wish it was different.

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