i put in a full day (my paying job, although i didn’t get paid) on Saturday. el Jefe’ went in on Sunday for about five hours, and worked from home for a couple hours on Monday. maybe he got some overtime; maybe not. who cares? this is how we relaxed and enjoyed our long weekend. ha. what’s wrong with this picture?
i had this huge sense of accomplishment by the time i left at 7 pm on Saturday. i finished three major tasks; collecting and uploading files, some of which were five years old, to hand off a design task to another office (something about us getting fired? moreso, the client does not want to work with us because we are tired of giving them everything for free); a major scope of work rewrite (couldn’t leave on “track changes” it was so bloody); and a complete fee proposal revision and restructuring (base + options, base, bask task 1, base task 2, base task 3, option 1, option 2, option 3, option 3A, option 3B). one diet dew, three diet cokes. it needed to be done, but really, does anyone care that i blew a day of a long weekend? would today or tomorrow or this week have been soon enough?
peanut had her third swimming lesson on Saturday.
we all went to the Best of the West Rib Cook-off on Sunday.
peanut and punkin got some new shoes on Monday.
i think the shoes were the highlight of my (not-so) long weekend.
P.S. and today i just noticed my ads are no longer about real estate or child care in the South. drugs. drugs. drugs.